WasteWater Screens
MBBR System Screens
The wastewater treatment industry has a variety of applications which has benefited from the use of wedge wire screens. Available in flat, curved or cylindrical form, wedge wire is widely used in the reduction of solids in residential and industrial applications.

Plain Squared Ends
Plain Ends (cut and shipped)
316/ 316L
Hastelloy C-276
Super Duplex
Alloy B3
Monel 400
Alloy 20
Reducing the environmental pollution
A direct result in using wedge wire screens in the wastewater treatment applications has been a reduction of environmental pollution levels and lower operational costs over the years.
Commonly used as the first element of filtration during the operation at wastewater treatment plants, screening removes objects such as paper, plastics rags and metals that would damage and create clogging to the downstream equipment, piping, and appurtenances. Some of the newer wastewater plants will use multiple screens with coarse to fine slot types. We manufacture both types and to our customers’ drawings and specifications.
Fine screens
These are used to remove smaller particulate that create operation and maintenance problems. Fine screen openings are around the 0.06” to 0.25” range, and very fine screens can be fabricated with openings of 0.01” to 0.06”. They can reduce suspended solids to levels near those achieved by primary clarification.
Coarse screens
These are used by many OEMs in equipment designed to remove large solids and debris from wastewater flows. Slot sizes are typically larger than the 0.025” range.
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Wastewater Screens
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Benefits of our Wastewater Screens include:
Stronger and more durable due to resistance welding
Wide range of profile wire is available to suit most systems
High-precision slot sizes are available to meet your requirements
For surface filtration, the V-shaped surface wires allow for easy cleaning by mechanical scraping or backflushing or with the use of spray heads
Ease of replacement will reduce downtime
Engineered to your specifications
Robust for vertical wall applications
No lower sprockets, bushings or guides
Self-cleaning, when designed to the flow rate required
Typical Industries for use
Product Quote
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Plain Screen
Wedge wire screens are manufactured by resistance welding V-shaped wire on support rods. The highest quality raw wire which is then made into a screen that is cut, shaped, fabricated and cleaned.
Can't find the screen you need?
We specialize in custom manufacturing. Our sales, engineering and production teams have the experience to manufacture what you need to the highest degree of excellence. Keeping all work in house allows us to offer accuracy and consistency.