Support Grids
Available in one-piece or sectional design
Our support grids are available in a variety of framing options and designs, from one-piece construction to multiple sections. This allows for easy on-site assembly, retrofitting and transporting sections through existing manways. These self-supporting structures have exceptional resistance to collapsing and buckling, even in operations where screens must bear extremely high loads. Media support grids fabricated with Wedge Wire are a good choice when dealing with retaining media in vessels of all types.

Single sectioned
Multiple sectioned
Bolted design
Welded design
316/ 316L
Hastelloy C-276
Super Duplex
Alloy B3
Monel 400
Alloy 20
Additional support structure can be offered depending of system requirements.
Better in every way
Compared to wire mesh and perforated metal, Wedge Wire’s continuous slots have more open area. Their consistent slots are more durable and virtually non-clogging to reduce media abrasion.
Designed and manufactured
Our grids have great design flexibility and are constructed in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and from a variety of corrosion-resistant alloys. Specific processes and vessel requirements can be accommodated. For available corrosion-resistant materials, see material list.
Benefits of our support grids include:
Continuous-slot design provides an increased open area
The continuous slot formed by V-shaped surface wires ensures a two-point contact between the particles and the slot to minimize clogging
Wide range of profile wires are available to suit most applications
High-precision slot sizes are available to meet your requirements
V-shaped surface wires allow for easy cleaning
Very low pressure drop
Additional supports are utilized to accommodate extreme load conditions
Low maintenance
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Support Grid
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Typical Industries for use
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Support Grids
Federal Screen’s support grids are available in a variety of framing options and designs, from one-piece construction to multiple sections.
Can't find the support grid you need?
We specialize in custom manufacturing. Our sales, engineering and production teams have the experience to manufacture what you need to the highest degree of excellence. Keeping all work in house allows us to offer accuracy and consistency.